Measures advocated

A vaccine

A vaccine would help eliminate the virus but it is not essential (more here). There are several reasons for not depending on one becoming available [1]:
  • we cannot be sure a vaccine can be developed e.g. there is no vaccine against HIV
  • it may take years to develop - the fastest vaccine ever developed was for mumps; it took 4 years
  • immunity may not be long-lasting.

Test, trace, isolate, support

This is seen by many as a key measure.
Scotland's strategy is online [2].


Masks in public places are advocated by many scientists working in the field. A summary has been written by Prof Trisha Greenhalgh and Jeremy Howard [3].
A petition to make the wearing of masks mandatory in public spaces is online at [4].

Blanket testing

"An Italian academic has claimed striking evidence that most people infected with covid-19 show no symptoms but are still able to infect others, which he says has huge implications for testing policy, particularly in hospitals.

"Sergio Romagnani, a professor of clinical immunology at the University of Florence, has reported how blanket testing in a completely isolated village of roughly 3000 people in northern Italy saw the number of people with covid-19 symptoms fall by over 90% within 10 days."

See the British Medical Journal for the full article [5].


[3]Masks for all? The science says yes. (2020)

First published: 27 Mar 2020
Last updated: 2 Nov 2020